that they consider that between 4 and 6 reviews are enough. Google My Business-1 Cyber click Reviews on Google Company Profile 3) Review quality The quality of the reviews is important both from the point of view of consumers and online review Clipping Path platforms, as they can hide reviews that they do not trust. This is a difficult factor to control, as some customers enjoy leaving a detailed review, while others limit themselves to a star rating or a short comment. Of course, the more reviews you get, the greater the probability that there will be quality opinions among them. 4) Review date Finally,
we have the factor of the age of the reviews . Consumers know that companies' services and products can change over time, so they tend not to trust reviews that are more than 6 months old. How to implement a review strategy step by step Finally, we are going to look at some key steps to improve the quantity and quality of reviews your business receives and incorporate them into your marketing strategy . 1) Identify the top review sites Nowadays we can find opinions about companies all over the internet, but trying to cover them all can be practically impossible.
Instead, you need to identify the top digital review sites that you are going to focus your strategy on. To start with, you can make a list of all the marketing review sites you can think of or find on Google and see how many reviews of your business there are on each one. The key review sites vary by sector . For example, for businesses related to tourism, TripAdvisor is the star. Google My Business is important in many sectors, but especially in local businesses. Instead, restaurants can have a good number of reviews on TripAdvisor, Google, Yelp, Facebook and food delivery applications.