Which are to translate into specific effects. They are divided into three groups: At first glance, this view may immediately be associated with a sales funnel. This clever action is designed to allow us to select those people who, in accordance with reality, will be most interested in our offer and will be potential buyers. The Awareness goal is to target ads to a group of people selected, e.g. according to interests, who are not yet familiar with our brand. Do you remember our first example where the client is afraid that the promotion will not work because his business is just starting? Facebook eliminates these concerns.
Thanks to this goal, we are able to build brand Mexico WhatsApp Number List awareness, which will translate into the next steps. Once the company is known, has a fairly wide audience, we can take advantage of this by selecting the Actions objective . The main task of this type of campaign is to cause a specific reaction in the recipient. Thanks to them, we can drive more traffic to your website or user activity. Thus, you can count on more hearts or thumbs under your ad, as well as comments - which means that you have the opportunity to make contact with new potential fans. Recipients know your brand and know what is on your website.
Now that you've earned their trust, we can use the final goal: Conversions . This stage is the place that everyone who decides to advertise on Facebook wants to reach. It is thanks to these campaigns that you can get the most orders, because they will be shown to people who are most likely to decide to buy. The kingdom of the visual, i.e. Instagram Thanks to the joint forces of Facebook and Instagram in , Facebook Ads has to offer even more places where it is possible to display ads.