However, the picture on a digital set will stay perfect until the signal becomes too Buy Email Database weak for the receiver to distinguish between a (1) and a (0), at which point the image disappears completely. This has been referred to as "the cliff effect" - the picture remains stable until it abruptly "drops off" the screen. This might be compared to sending Morse Code.
As long as the person at the other end can make out the dots and dashes being Buy Email Database transmitted they will be able to read the message. Once they lose the distinction between a dot and a Buy Email Database dash they lose the message. Digital TV acts the same way; instead of sending dots and dashes, it sends millions of (1's) and (0's) every second.
As long as the TV Receiver can read the (1's and 0's) it displays a virtually perfect Buy Email Database picture. The bottom line ... you either receive a 100% quality image, or Buy Email Database nothing at all. What this means to the digital television viewer, is not having to worry about getting a "bad" picture. Either you have a picture or you don't.